Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Latest Quotes

Straight to the Quotes ...

Jill Eikenberry

You have a wonderful child. Then, when he's 13, gremlins carry him away and leave in his place a stranger who gives you not a moment's peace.

Clive Staples Lewis

What seem our worst prayers may really be, in God's eyes, our best. Those, I mean, which are least supported by devotional feeling. For these may come from a deeper level than feeling. God sometimes seems to speak to us most intimately when he catches us, as it were, off our guard.

William Blake

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.

Latin Proverb

Be on your guard against a silent dog and still water.

William Shakespeare, "King Richard III", Act 4 scene 3

An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told.

HP Lovecraft, From Beyond

I have harnessed the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness...

Phyllis Mcginley

Sticks and stones are hard on bones, aimed with angry art, words can sting like anything but silence breaks the heart.

Albert Einstein

At any rate, I am convinced that He God does not play dice.

Niccolo Machiavelli

There is no other way of guarding oneself against flattery than by letting men understand that they will not offend you by speaking the truth but when everyone can tell you the truth, you lose their respect.

Thomas Jefferson

Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.

Thomas Huxley

It is an error to imagine that evolution signifies a constant tendency to increased perfection. That process undoubtedly involves a constant remodelling of the organism in adaptation to new conditions but it depends on the nature of those conditions whether the directions of the modifications effected shall be upward or downward.

More Quotations

4 Quotes about Owners

Tue, 01 Jan 2008 21:16:00 +0000
We shall never understand the natural environment until we see it as a living organism. Land can be healthy or sick, fertile or barren, rich or poor, lovingly nurtured or bled white. Our present attitudes and laws governing the ownership and use of land represent an abuse of the concept of private property…. Today you ...]

Frankfurt Stock Exchange quotations (

Mon, 07 Jan 2008 17:53:14 GMT
Frankfurt - Frankfurt Stock Exchange closing prices in euros. In brackets the point movement of index/price movement of stocks against previous quotation: DAX 7,817.17 (+ 8.48) MDAX9,068.31 (- 251.13) Adidas 49.51 (-0.30) Allianz 140.06 (-2.02) BASF1...

Quotes about Reach

Mon, 07 Jan 2008 21:17:00 +0000
People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant. - Helen Keller
If we have the opportunity to be generous with our hearts, ourselves, we have no idea of the depth and breadth of love’s reach. - Margaret Cho
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that ...]

Quotes of the Week

Tue, 08 Jan 2008 11:24:00 GMT
BBC News - "The crowd were dead. It was like a funeral out there." All is quiet on New Year's Day at Old Trafford for Sir Alex Ferguson. "I don't follow football, I just love the name Aston Villa. Here in England you have other footballing entities like ...

Today's Quotes

Check out these Quotes:

Joseph Chilton Pearce

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.

Author Unknown

Courage is always greatest when blended with meekness; intellectual ability is most admired when it sparkles in the setting of modest self-distrust; and never does the human soul appear so strong as when it foregoes revenge and dares to forgive any injury.

Laurence J. Peter

Psychiatry enables us to correct our faults by confessing our parents' shortcomings.

Keith Degreen

You can never learn less, you can only learn more.


There are times when fear is good. It must keep its watchful place at the heart's controls. There is advantage in the wisdom won from pain.

Steve Prefontaine

Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it.

More Quotes

Arianespace 2007 sales dip to 940 mln eur vs 985 mln; record number of ...

Tue, 08 Jan 2008 11:24:00 GMT
Forbes - The content on this site, including news, quotes, data and other information, is provided by AFX News and its third party content providers for your personal information only, and neither AFX News nor its third party content providers shall be liable ...

Former jihadist backs alternate Islam

Tue, 08 Jan 2008 08:39:00 GMT
Jerusalem Post - He cited quotations where the Old Testament is described as "a light," said that there is repeated support in the Koran for the Children of Israel as the "preferred" and "chosen" people, and stated that even Zionism finds resonance in the Koran ...

Dared Quotes

Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:58:00 +0000
I never dared to be radical when young For fear it would make me conservative when old. - Robert Frost
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance. - Bruce Barton
It is only the great men who are truly obscene. If they had ...]

Quotes about Reach

Mon, 07 Jan 2008 21:17:00 +0000
People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant. - Helen Keller
If we have the opportunity to be generous with our hearts, ourselves, we have no idea of the depth and breadth of love’s reach. - Margaret Cho
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that ...]

Harmful Quotes

Thu, 03 Jan 2008 21:57:00 +0000
It is easier to exclude harmful passions than to rule them, and to deny them admittance than to control them after they have been admitted. - Seneca
The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all ...]

Famous Quotations for Today

Today's Famous Quotations:

Steven Wright, I Have a Pony

My girlfriend sleeps in a queen-sized bed and I sleep in a court jester-sized bed.

Pliny the Younger, Letters

His only fault is that he has no fault.

Bertrand Russell

One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.

Fawn M. Brodie

Richard Nixon lied to gain love, to shore up his grandiose fantasies, to bolster his ever-wavering sense of identity. He lied in attack, hoping to win and always he lied, and this most aggressively, to deny that he lied.


It is not doing the things we like to do, But liking the things we have to do That makes life blessed.

Scott Westerfeld, Peeps, 2005

The human heart is a strange vessel. Love and hatred can exist side by side.

Lady Nancy Astor

Real education should educate us out of self into something far finer into a selflessness which links us with all humanity.

Bertrand Russell, Conquest of Happiness (1930) ch. 10

A sense of duty is useful in work, but offensive in personal relations. People wish to be liked, not be endured with patient resignation.

Evelyn Waugh

What is youth except a man or a woman before it is ready or fit to be seen

More Quotes

Arianespace 2007 sales dip to 940 mln eur vs 985 mln; record number of ...

Tue, 08 Jan 2008 11:24:00 GMT
Forbes - The content on this site, including news, quotes, data and other information, is provided by AFX News and its third party content providers for your personal information only, and neither AFX News nor its third party content providers shall be liable ...

Inferiors Quotes

Mon, 31 Dec 2007 21:44:00 +0000
To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness. - Benjamin Franklin
A man makes inferiors his superiors by heat; self-control is the rule. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. - J. K. Rowling, Harry ...]

Famous Quotes Update

Here are the Famous Quotes ...

Rene Descartes

Cogito ergo sum. (I think; therefore I am.)

Danish proverb

If three people say you are an ass, put on a bridle.

Tom Stoppard

If Beethoven had been killed in a plane crash at the age of 22, it would have changed the history of music... and of aviation.

Bertrand Russell

In the part of this universe that we know there is great injustice, and often the good suffer, and often the wicked prosper, and one hardly knows which of those is the more annoying.

Erma Bombeck

We've got a generation now who were born with semiequality. They don't know how it was before, so they think, this isn't too bad. We're working. We have our attache' cases and our three piece suits. I get very disgusted with the younger generation of women. We had a torch to pass, and they are just sitting there. They don't realize it can be taken away. Things are going to have to get worse before they join in fighting the battle.

Lyndon B. Johnson

I report to you that our country is challenged at home and abroad that it is our will that is being tried and not our strength our sense of purpose and not our ability to achieve a better America.

H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Find a job you like and you add five days to every week.

Marcel Proust

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy: They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

Jack Kerouac

The fact was I had the vision... I think everyone has... what we lack is the method.

More Quotations

Taser unveils designer weapons

Tue, 08 Jan 2008 06:45:00 GMT - Footage of the event was uploaded to YouTube and the phrase was later named as the most memorable quote of 2007 by The Yale Book Of Quotations . In November, a Polish traveller died at Vancouver airport after police fired at him twice with a Taser gun ...

Harmful Quotes

Thu, 03 Jan 2008 21:57:00 +0000
It is easier to exclude harmful passions than to rule them, and to deny them admittance than to control them after they have been admitted. - Seneca
The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all ...]

Sarkozy to use CDC to defend French cos against 'aggressive ...

Tue, 08 Jan 2008 11:17:00 GMT
Forbes - The content on this site, including news, quotes, data and other information, is provided by AFX News and its third party content providers for your personal information only, and neither AFX News nor its third party content providers shall be liable ...


Sat, 29 Dec 2007 21:46:00 +0000
With sixty staring me in the face, I have developed inflammation of the sentence structure and definite hardening of the paragraphs. - James Grover Thurber
The one whose judgment counts most in your life is the one staring back in the glass. - Unknown
The skull lay tilted in such a manner that it stared, sightless, up ...]

(Changes dateline, byline, adds quotes, updates prices)

Tue, 08 Jan 2008 09:22:00 GMT
Reuters UK - LONDON, Jan 8 (Reuters) - The yen fell on Tuesday and high yielding currencies gained as risk aversion ebbed slightly, leading investors to edge back into more risky positions. The yen -- with interest rates of just 0.5 percent -- has benefited since ...

More Quotes

Check out these Quotes:

Kathe Kollwitz

There are moments on most days when I feel a deep and sincere gratitude, when I sit at the open window, and there is a blue sky or moving clouds.

Kahlil Gibran

The tears that you spill, the sorrowful, are sweeter than the laughter of snobs and the guffaws of scoffers.

Pierre Charron

He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestow should never remember it.

Walter Frederick Mondale

I don't want to spend the next two years in Holiday Inns.

Real Live Preacher, Real Live Preacher weblog, 10-06-05

Some things you do because you want to. Some things you do because of the needs of others in your family.

John A. Dix

If anyone attempts to hall down the American flag shoot him on the spot.

Janet Jackson

There are two sides of the Velvet Rope. Those who want to be on the other side and those who are on the other side.

Mahatma Gandhi

One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds.

William James

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.

La Fontaine

Beware so long as you live, of judging people by appearances.

More Quotes

Harmful Quotes

Thu, 03 Jan 2008 21:57:00 +0000
It is easier to exclude harmful passions than to rule them, and to deny them admittance than to control them after they have been admitted. - Seneca
The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all ...]

4 Quotes about Owners

Tue, 01 Jan 2008 21:16:00 +0000
We shall never understand the natural environment until we see it as a living organism. Land can be healthy or sick, fertile or barren, rich or poor, lovingly nurtured or bled white. Our present attitudes and laws governing the ownership and use of land represent an abuse of the concept of private property…. Today you ...]

Microsoft to buy Fast Search and Transfer for agreed 6.6 bln nkr ...

Tue, 08 Jan 2008 10:55:00 GMT
CNBC - (adds detail, Microsoft and Fast quotes) OSLO (Thomson Financial) - Microsoft Corp said it will acquire Norwegian internet search engine technology group Fast Search and Transfer in a recommended cash tender offer for 19 nkr a share, or 6.6 bln nkr ...

3 Quotes on Utilization

Fri, 04 Jan 2008 21:54:00 +0000
Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success. Success is the ...]