Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Daily Famous Quotations

Here are the Famous Quotations ...

Dorothy Sayers

As I grow older and older,
And totter toward the tomb,
I find that I care less and less
Who goes to bed with whom.

F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.

Ernest Hemingway

But in modern war you will die like a dog for no good reason.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Cowardice asks the question - is it safe?
Vanity asks the question - is it popular?
Expediency asks the question - is it political?
But conscience asks the question - is it right?

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, popular, or political; but because it is right.

More Quotes

JANET'S 'RUMORED LOVECHILD' TO WRITE BOOK: Gossip site quotes source ... - EURweb

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 07:50:00 GMT
*MediaTakeOut.com is claiming that "Renee," the rumored lovechild of Janet Jackson and James DeBarge, is "considering writing a tell all to clear the air." The gossip site says "an ...

Editorial: Politically smart move - Jakarta Post

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 04:15:00 GMT
Given the parliamentary and presidential elections next year, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono made a politically smart move by further lowering the price of regular gasoline by ...

I can see Russia from my house!’ - New Haven Register

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:13:00 GMT
NEW HAVEN — The remark helped tank a certain politician’s quest for the vice presidency as it lifted a rising comedian in the entertainment world. “I can see Russia from my ...

Elsevier Introduces The American Journal of Medicine Blog - Earthtimes

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:42:00 GMT
The American Journal of Medicine (AJM), one of Elsevier's flagship health sciences journals, has introduced the American Journal of Medicine blog ( http://amjmed.blogspot.com ), a ...

CNN.com Touts Liberal List - News Busters

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:06:00 GMT
In an article posted on CNN.com's Political Ticker associate producer Martina Stewart touted the top ten quote list from this year's edition of "Yale Book of Quotations". The only ...

Today's Famous Quotations

Check out these Famous Quotations:

Joseph Conrad

The mind of man is capable of anything--because everything is in it, all the past as well as all the future.

William Shakespeare

Speak to me as to thy thinkings, As thou dost ruminate, and give thy worst of thoughts The worst of words.

Margaret Mead

Mothers are a biological necessity; fathers are a social invention.

Corazn Cojuangco Aquino

It is not I who have been consigned to the bedroom of history.

Brett Butler

Dreams that do come true can be as unsettling as those that don't.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast, but when we say this we imagine that hour as placed in an obscure and distant future. It never occurs to us that it has any connection with the day already begun or that death could arrive this same afternoon, this afternoon which is so certain and which has every hour filled in advance.

Andrew Schneider

You bluffed me I don't like it when people bluff me. It makes me question my perception of reality.

More Quotes

JANET'S 'RUMORED LOVECHILD' TO WRITE BOOK: Gossip site quotes source ... - EURweb

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 07:50:00 GMT
*MediaTakeOut.com is claiming that "Renee," the rumored lovechild of Janet Jackson and James DeBarge, is "considering writing a tell all to clear the air." The gossip site says "an ...

Palin tops list of memorable quotes - KTVA

Mon, 15 Dec 2008 19:40:00 GMT
Palin tops list of memorable quotes ... NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - Sarah Palin lost the election, but she's a winner to a connoisseur of quotations at Yale.

CNN.com Touts Liberal List - News Busters

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:06:00 GMT
In an article posted on CNN.com's Political Ticker associate producer Martina Stewart touted the top ten quote list from this year's edition of "Yale Book of Quotations". The only ...


Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:13:00 GMT
Magazine bosses accused of fabricating an interview with SCARLETT JOHANSSON are blaming the controversy on a freelance reporter. The actress was furious when the U.K. edition of ...

Canadian dollar closed at 81.19 cents US, up 1.27 cents - Canada East

Mon, 15 Dec 2008 21:20:00 GMT
TORONTO - The Canadian dollar closed at 81.19 cents US, up 1.27 cents on Monday. The U.S. dollar stood at 123.17 cents Canadian, down 1.95 cents. Pound sterling closed C$1.8844, up ...

Famous Quotes for Today

Today's Famous Quotes:

Thomas Dewar

Minds are like parachutes...they only function when they are open.

John Gay

The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keeps up a wife's spirits.

William Shakespeare

See first that the design is wise and just that ascertained, pursue it resolutely do not for one repulse forego the purpose that you resolved to effect.

Harper Lee, spoken by character Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird

Best way to clear the air is to have it all out in the open.

More Quotations

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Elsevier Introduces The American Journal of Medicine Blog - Earthtimes

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:42:00 GMT
The American Journal of Medicine (AJM), one of Elsevier's flagship health sciences journals, has introduced the American Journal of Medicine blog ( http://amjmed.blogspot.com ), a ...

Palin tops list of memorable quotes - KTVA

Mon, 15 Dec 2008 19:40:00 GMT
Palin tops list of memorable quotes ... NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - Sarah Palin lost the election, but she's a winner to a connoisseur of quotations at Yale.

Elsevier Introduces The American Journal of Medicine Blog - Earthtimes

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:42:00 GMT
The American Journal of Medicine (AJM), one of Elsevier's flagship health sciences journals, has introduced the American Journal of Medicine blog ( http://amjmed.blogspot.com ), a ...

Great Famous Quotations

Famous Quotations:

Mort Crim

Today we may face some boring task or idle conversation that feels like a complete waste of time. Perhaps next week or next year we'll understand that nothing is wasted, that in the economy of our universe even a weed is simply a flower whose use has yet to be discovered.

John Milton

None can love freedom heartily but good men the rest love not freedom, but license.

G.K. Chesterton

The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.

William Hallman

Creation and redemption are the spheres in which these glories are displayed. In creation we see the eternal power and deity that belong to God alone (Rom. 120) while a deeper and richer glory is unfolded in the wondrous cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. There God is fully revealed, not only in terms of His dominion and deity, but in His holiness, love, and grace. At the Cross I learn what creation could never tell me--who God is and what He is to me, a guilty sinner. God is love therefore, He is both light and life. A Savior-God What marvelous grace and glory.

Simonides, Epitaph for the Spartans who fell at Thermopylae

Go tell the Spartans,
That here, obedient to their laws,
We lie.

Robert Fripp

Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.

George Bernard Shaw

The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.

Oscar Wilde, , in a letter to his friend, Frances Forbes-Robertson, who had invited him to her wedding in London, but Wilde was

Like dear St. Francis of Assisi I am wedded to Poverty: but in my case the marriage is not a success.

More Quotations

Editorial: Politically smart move - Jakarta Post

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 04:15:00 GMT
Given the parliamentary and presidential elections next year, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono made a politically smart move by further lowering the price of regular gasoline by ...

Scarlett Johansson may sue UK Cosmpolitan over 'fabricated interview' - Daily Telegraph

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 07:36:00 GMT
Scarlett Johansson has threatened to sue UK Cosmopolitan magazine for allegedly fabricating an interview which contained quotes about her marriage to actor Ryan Reynolds that ...

Elsevier Introduces The American Journal of Medicine Blog - Earthtimes

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:42:00 GMT
The American Journal of Medicine (AJM), one of Elsevier's flagship health sciences journals, has introduced the American Journal of Medicine blog ( http://amjmed.blogspot.com ), a ...

Scarlett Johansson may sue UK Cosmpolitan over 'fabricated interview' - Daily Telegraph

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 07:36:00 GMT
Scarlett Johansson has threatened to sue UK Cosmopolitan magazine for allegedly fabricating an interview which contained quotes about her marriage to actor Ryan Reynolds that ...

Basketball roots of Notre Dame’s Palladino spread wide and deep - New Haven Register

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:13:00 GMT
WEST HAVEN — There they all stood, three basketball coaches, all with their own teams to go back to, yet still sticking around to watch their former mentor run a preseason ...