Sunday, October 05, 2008

Great Famous Quotes

Famous Quotes:


A life spent making mistakes is not only most honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.

Margaret Thatcher

Being powerful is a lot like being a woman: If you have to tell someone that you are, invariably, you are not.

Russell Baker

The goal of all inanimate objects is to resist man and ultimately defeat him.

Milan Kundera

Laughing deeply is living deeply.

Rita Mae Brown

A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it's better than no inspiration at all.

More Quotations

Power Industry 1991-2000 - Kommersant

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 03:32:00 GMT
RAO UES (Unified Energy System) Russia can be considered a unified system only in a relative sense: the Far North and Kamchatka, say, are not part of it. Nevertheless, it is the ...

Pennsylvania Health Insurance -- Free Pennsylvania Health Insurance ... -

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 06:52:00 GMT
Philadelphia, PA, October 05, 2008 --( )-- is proud to announce they now offer Free Pennsylvania Health Insurance Quotes. Pennsylvania health ...

Stock & fund quotes - ninemsn

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 09:51:00 GMT
Outgoing Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon increased his fixed payout in 2007/08, as the airline faced the headwinds of higher petrol prices and a slowing global economy. Mr Dixon ...

Famous Quotes Update

Give me Famous Quotes now!

William John Bennett

If my own son, who is now 10 months, came to me and said, 'You promised to pay for my tuition at Harvard how about giving me 50,000 instead to start a little business' I might think that was a good idea.

Dan Quayle, 9/5/90

For NASA, space is still a high priority.

Walt Disney

Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards -- the things we live by and teach our children -- are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings.

R. A. Salvatore, Siege of Darkness

To any intelligent being, there is no emotion more important than hope. Individually or collectively, we must hope that the future will be better than the past, that our offspring, and theirs after them, will be a bit closer to an ideal society, whatever our perception of that might be... It is at those times when we feel we are contributing to that ultimate end... we feel true elation.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Morality is the greatest of all tools for leading mankind by the nose.

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Husbands are like fires - they go out when unattended.

George Gordon Byron

'Tis pleasant, sure, to see one's name in print. A book's a book, although there's nothing in 't.

Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr.

It was a love of the air and sky and flying, the lure of adventure, the appreciation of beauty. It lay beyond the descriptive words of men-where immortality is touched through danger, where life meets death on equal plane where man is more than man, and existence both supreme and valueless at the same time.

Chris Clark

URLs are the 800 numbers of the 1990's.

More Quotes

Quotations of the day - International Herald Tribune

Fri, 03 Oct 2008 07:23:00 GMT
"It's unfortunate that holding your own is a plus. By not falling on her face, she looked good." — Mike Morse on GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's performance in her ...

Jail term upheld for postal scam architect - Thanhnien

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 03:05:00 GMT
However, it reduced jail terms for several state officials involved to 14 months, and suspended sentences for some. The appeals court confirmed the 26-year jail term handed down ...

24-Hour Room Service: O'Fabulous, Ardara, Co Donegal, Ireland - The Independent

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 16:41:00 GMT
The small, bustling town of Ardara has long been welcoming tourists on the coast of County Donegal, and for decades its attractions have been as predictable as they have been ...

More Quotes

Straight to the Quotes ...

Joseph Goebbels

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and
or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

Oliver Wendell Holmes

It is by no means certain that our individual personality is the single inhabitant of these our corporeal frames... We all do things both awake and asleep which surprise us. Perhaps we have cotenants in this house we live in.

Sydney Harris

Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.

Chris Thyberg

Sorry for the disaster. And thanks for your patience!

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Not a few who meant to drive out their demons went thereby into the swine themselves.

Edgar Allan Poe, From a letter to Frederick W. Thomas (February 14, 1849).

Depend upon it, after all, Thomas, Literature is the most noble of professions. In fact, it is about the only one fit for a man. For my own part, there is no seducing me from the path.

William Jefferson Clinton

You can put wings on a pig, but you don't make it an eagle.

Ralph Nader

Our founders did not oust George III in order for us to crown Richard I.

Leo C. Rosten

In the dark colony of night, when I consider man's magnificent capacity for malice, madness, folly, envy, rage, and destructiveness, and I wonder whether we shall not end up as breakfast for newts and polyps, I seem to hear the muffled cries of all the words in all the books with covers closed.


There is nothing worse in this world then wasted talent.

Jack Handey Deep Thoughts

You know what makes good hair for a snow man REAL hair. Don't ask me why, but it works.

More Quotations

Player Quotes - Arizona -

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 08:18:00 GMT
On why Washington struggled so much on offense: “We just didn’t capitalize on drives and on some key third downs we didn’t connect on a pass or a run and it just killed us ...

Another tender tantrum rocks hockey and athletics - Sri Lanka Sunday Times

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 20:08:00 GMT
`A tender to lay and maintain the Artificial Hockey Turf ground and a 400 metre eight lane Synthetic track at Torrington has been cancelled in a controversial manner without giving ...

Olympic Torches

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REAL 2008 BEIJING OLYMPIC TORCH !! Olympic torch relay!
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Ethel Kennedy stumps for Obama - Boston Globe

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 09:01:00 GMT
SALEM, N.H. - For her first public stump on behalf of Senator Barack Obama, the 80-year-old widow of presidential candidate Robert Kennedy chose a nursing home in this battleground ...

Latest greatest Quotations

Here are the Quotations ...

Confucius, The Confucian Analects

The superior man...does not set his mind either for anything, or against anything; what is right he will follow.

Marilyn Monroe

I want to grow old without facelifts. I want to have the courage to be loyal to the face I have made.

Pierre Charron

The most excellent and divine counsel, the best and most profitable advertisement of all others, but the least practised, is to study and learn how to know ourselves. This is the foundation of wisdom and the highway to whatever is good. . . . God, Nature, the wise, the world, preach man, exhort him both by word and deed to the study of himself.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.

Johann von Goethe

Character develops itself in the stream of life.


The man who said he never had a chance, never took a chance.

Hugh Elliott, Standing Room Only weblog, 05-01-04

If there�s one thing I know it�s God does love a good joke.

Waiter Rant, Waiter Rant weblog, 09-09-05

We want God to come and save us. But he won�t. God doesn�t stop levees from failing, he doesn�t stay the force of tsunamis, and he doesn�t stop planes from smashing into buildings. Deus Ex Machina is overrated.

More Quotes

The Nigerian Stock Exchange: Lessons for investors - Vanguard

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 23:00:00 GMT
08035812703. Hi Emir, Stock market shed a record of N3 trillion to the "bear run" as reported by Sanya Oni, The Nation, Tuesday, September 23. Kindly, comment on Sunday. Regards ...

NATO will fail against Taliban: British Envoy - Pakistani Newspaper

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 05:19:00 GMT
NEW YORK, Oct 4 (APP): A leaked French diplomatic cable quotes the British ambassador in Afghanistan as predicting that the NATO-led military campaign against the Taliban will fail ...

Quotations of the day - International Herald Tribune

Fri, 03 Oct 2008 07:23:00 GMT
"It's unfortunate that holding your own is a plus. By not falling on her face, she looked good." — Mike Morse on GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's performance in her ...

Quotes for Today

Here are the Quotes ...

Jon Stewart, The Daily Show: Referring to the victory of George W. Bush in the 2004 election.

Democracy works. Against us.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fate is nothing but the deeds committed in a prior state of existence.

Marcel Proust

The opinions we hold of one another, our relations with friends and kinfolk are in no sense permanent, save in appearance, but are as eternally fluid as the sea itself.

Dorothy Parker

The affair between Margot Asquith and Margot Asquith will live as one of the prettiest love stories in all literature.

Aldous Huxley

Experience is not what happens to a man it is what a man does with what happens to him.


If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali

A new vision of development is emerging. Development is becoming a people-centered process, whose ultimate goal must be the improvement of the human condition.

John Larroquette

Be careful out there. There are things that go bump in the night. Actually, there are things that go 'Give me your wallet or I'll kill you' in the night.

More Quotes

24-Hour Room Service: O'Fabulous, Ardara, Co Donegal, Ireland - The Independent

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 16:41:00 GMT
The small, bustling town of Ardara has long been welcoming tourists on the coast of County Donegal, and for decades its attractions have been as predictable as they have been ...

Ethel Kennedy stumps for Obama - Boston Globe

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 08:33:00 GMT
SALEM, N.H. - For her first public stump on behalf of Senator Barack Obama, the 80-year-old widow of presidential candidate Robert Kennedy chose a nursing home in this battleground ...

Great Famous Quotes

Check out these Famous Quotes:

Jack Handey Deep Thoughts

I guess the hard thing for a lot of people to accept is why God would allow me to go running through their yards, yelling and spinning around.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Look not mournfully into the Past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the Present. In is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy Future, without fear, and a manly heart.

Alexander Hamilton

Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.

Martin Luther

The fewer the words, the better the prayer.

John Burroughs, Birds and Poets, 1887

The very idea of a bird is a symbol and a suggestion to the poet. A bird seems to be at the top of the scale, so vehement and intense his life. . . . The beautiful vagabonds, endowed with every grace, masters of all climes, and knowing no bounds -- how many human aspirations are realised in their free, holiday-lives -- and how many suggestions to the poet in their flight and song!

More Quotations

Pennsylvania Health Insurance -- Free Pennsylvania Health Insurance ... -

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 06:52:00 GMT
Philadelphia, PA, October 05, 2008 --( )-- is proud to announce they now offer Free Pennsylvania Health Insurance Quotes. Pennsylvania health ...

The pioneers who would not be lost for words - Times Online

Fri, 03 Oct 2008 21:14:00 GMT
There are longer books (dashed few). There are books with less jerky plot-lines. But none of their great dictionaries pack the heavy artillery of the Oxford English Dictionary ...