Monday, September 01, 2008

Daily Famous Quotations

Today's Famous Quotations:

Fred Allen

Television is the triumph of machine over people.

Pierre Corneille

He who allows himself to be insulted, deserves to be.

William Shakespeare, "The Comedy of Errors", Act 3 scene 1

Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast.

Peter McWilliams, Life 101

Many people weigh the guilt they will feel against the pleasure of the forbidden action they want to take.

There's Something About Mary

Hitchhiker No No, no, not 6 I said 7. Nobody's comin' up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes You won't even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel. Ted That -- good point. Hitchhiker 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 doors. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office. Ted Why Hitchhiker 'Cause you're fired


Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age -- as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.

Eloise Salholz

To Tennessee Williams, children were 'no-neck monsters,' while William Wordsworth apotheosized the newborn infant as a 'Mighty Prophet Seer Blest' Most adults know the truth is somewhere in between.

John Milton, Paradise Lost

Which way I fly is Hell; myself am Hell.

Richard M. DeVos

Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none.

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