Monday, December 22, 2008

Quotations for Today

Today's Quotations:

Henry David Thoreau

All perception of truth is the detection of an analogy we reason from our hands to our head.

Hansell B. Duckett

What this country needs is more free speech worth listening to.

William Lloyd Garrison

I am in earnest; I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; and I will be heard.

Stella Terrill Mann

Listening is a form of accepting.

John W. Vessey, Jr.

'Resource-constrained environment' are fancy Pentagon words that mean there isn't enough money to go around.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Everything is the product of one universal creative effort. There is nothing dead in Nature. Everything is organic and living, and therefore the whole world appears to be a living organism.

Harry Morris Warner

Who the hell wants to hear actors talk

Joan Winmill Brown

Christmas The very word brings joy to our hearts. No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given--when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes.

More Quotes

Canadian dollar is trading at 81.99 cents US, up 0.22 of a cent at 11 ... - Canada East

Mon, 22 Dec 2008 16:26:00 GMT
TORONTO - The Canadian dollar traded at 81.99 cents US, up 0.22 of a cent on Monday. The U.S. dollar was trading at C$1.2196, down 0.34 of a cent. Pound sterling was at C$1.7985 ...

Correction: Quote of the year list - Seattle Times

Mon, 22 Dec 2008 19:17:00 GMT
In a Dec. 14 list of the Top 10 quotes of 2008 as compiled by the Yale Book of Quotations, The Associated Press, relying on information from the book's editor, incorrectly ...

Moneyed Mumbai gets serious about security - New Nation

Mon, 22 Dec 2008 17:44:00 GMT
The billboard above The Pizzeria restaurant on Mumbai's sweeping Marine Drive promenade changes regularly. This week it tells anyone who passes: "Recommended. Helmets and ...

Obama to release review on Blagojevich contacts - WTOP Radio

Mon, 22 Dec 2008 16:40:00 GMT
WASHINGTON (AP) - President-elect Barack Obama plans to reveal on Tuesday his staff's conversations with the Illinois governor accused of trying to sell Obama's Senate seat ...

Great Quotes


Otavio Paz, The Labyrinth of Solitude (1950)

Love is an attempt at penetrating another being, but it can only succeed if the surrender is mutual.

Gay Talese

The real problem is what to do with the problem-solvers after the problems are solved.

Charles Caleb Colton

Deliberate with caution, but act with decision; and yield with graciousness, or oppose with firmness.

Johann Christian Friedrich von Schiller

There is no such thing as chance and what seem to us merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny.

Herman Melville

Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well- warmed, and well-fed.


Men of ill judgment oft ignore the good That lies within their hands, till they have lost it.

Thomas Fuller

Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.

Publilius Syrus

An angry man is again angry with himself when he returns to reason.

Henry James, "The Ambassadors", Book Eighth, Chapter 2

He had the entertainment of thinking that if he had for that moment stopped the clock it was to promote the next minute this still livelier motion.

More Quotes

Here's to the wine that clears your arteries - New Zealand Herald

Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:07:00 GMT
An Australian doctor has produced wines containing 100mg per litre of the antioxidant resveratrol, which occurs naturally in grapes. Photo / Carolyn Robertson It sounds too good to ...

Obama to release review on Blagojevich contacts - WTOP Radio

Mon, 22 Dec 2008 16:40:00 GMT
WASHINGTON (AP) - President-elect Barack Obama plans to reveal on Tuesday his staff's conversations with the Illinois governor accused of trying to sell Obama's Senate seat ...

Latest greatest Quotations

Here are the Quotations ...

James Branch Cabell

There is not any memory with less satisfaction than the memory of some temptation we resisted.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

All cruelty springs from weakness.

Victor Hugo

Dream no small dreams. They have no power to stir the souls of men.


How dreadful knowledge of the truth can be When there's no help in truth

Douglas Noel Adams

Totally mad. Utter nonsense. But we'll do it because it's brilliant nonsense.

Kelly Marshall

It matters not how tall you are, but how straight you grow.

More Quotes

UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008 Preview - Wanderlei Silva -

Sun, 21 Dec 2008 19:40:00 GMT
Wanderlei always seems like such a happy dude in interviews, he’s got to be the smiliest guy ever to go by the nickname ‘The Axe Murderer’. Dean Lister Talks Yushin Okami ...

Jesse Jackson Jr named as man who tried to 'buy' Obama's seat - Daily Telegraph

Sun, 21 Dec 2008 22:03:00 GMT
Jesse Jackson Jr, the son of the civil rights campaigner, was yesterday named as the mysterious "Candidate 5" at the centre of the investigation. The alleged involvement of the ...

Avalanches kill 2 ski tourists in Austria - PR Inside

Sun, 21 Dec 2008 17:53:00 GMT
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Officials say avalanches in Vorarlberg, Austria's westernmost province, have killed two German ski tourists. The Austria Press Agency quotes police as saying ...

The Recount: No hanging chads, but plenty of hang-ups - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Sun, 21 Dec 2008 15:44:00 GMT
I've had several college courses recently that either included information literacy in the course content or actually were an information … read more literacy course taught by ...

Jesse Jackson Jr named as man who tried to 'buy' Obama's seat - Daily Telegraph

Sun, 21 Dec 2008 22:03:00 GMT
Jesse Jackson Jr, the son of the civil rights campaigner, was yesterday named as the mysterious "Candidate 5" at the centre of the investigation. The alleged involvement of the ...

Daily Famous Quotations

Today's Famous Quotations:

Wystan Hugh Auden

Geniuses are the luckiest of mortals because what they must do is the same as what they most want to do.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

In youth men are apt to write more wisely than they really know or feel and the remainder of life may be not idly spent in realizing and convincing themselves of the wisdom which they uttered long ago.

William Penn

Truth often suffers more by the heat of its defenders, than from the arguments of its opposers.

Bruce Lee

True refinement seeks simplicity.


Psychiatry is the care of the id by the odd.

More Quotations

The Education of Ted Turner - Front Page

Mon, 22 Dec 2008 08:19:00 GMT
During a December 10 Fox News interview with Bill O'Reilly, cable television tycoon Ted Turner, a longtime admirer of Fidel Castro , made the astonishing claim that Castro's ...

Quotes Of The Week - December 19 -

Mon, 22 Dec 2008 03:47:00 GMT
This week Diana confesses her feelings about Eoghan - but errr not in that way. Also, Sir Elton John thinks going on X Factor is like going on a " cruise ship", Dannii Minoque ...