Friday, November 14, 2008

Latest Famous Quotations

Straight to the Famous Quotations ...

Sir Winston Churchill

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.


Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.

Mark Twain, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", Chapter 2

He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it - namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain.

Rebecca West

People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute.

Hodding Carter

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots the other, wings.

Carl Gustav Jung

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

John Berger

We can become anything. That is why injustice is impossible here. There may be the accident of birth, there is no accident of death. Nothing forces us to remain what we were.

Jeff Melvoin

Ed, we just witnessed a peaceful transition in government. Do you realize how miraculous that is...Today, tiny Cicely, Alaska, stood up and put another W in the win category for democracy.

Woody Allen

Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions.


The end of life is to be like God, and the soul following God will be like Him.

Sigmund Freud

A man should not strive to eliminate his complexes but to get into accord with them they are legitimately what directs his conduct in the world.

More Quotes

Cullen releases grim Treasury figures - Stuff

Wed, 12 Nov 2008 23:54:00 GMT
FALSE HOPE: Finance Minister Michael Cullen says the bad economic news means it is no time for 'risky and reckless' promises' or additional tax cuts. Treasury has painted a very ...

Exhibit recalls the Reuthers of Oakland Township - Farmington Observer

Thu, 13 Nov 2008 18:52:00 GMT
"There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men. There is no greater contribution than to help the weak. There is no greater satisfaction than to have done it well ...

Is it better than sex? Well, hot tea has a lot going for it … but - Anderson Independent-Mail

Thu, 13 Nov 2008 21:44:00 GMT
The other day I opened a cabinet in my kitchen that hasn’t been visited in months. And there, waiting for me, was a beautiful sight: my boxes of tea. Oh, joy. Tea season is here ...

Daily Famous Quotations

Here are the Famous Quotations ...

Ernest Hemingway

In order to write about life, first you must live it!

Martin Luther

Music is a discipline, and a mistress of order and good manners, she makes the people milder and gentler, more moral and more reasonable.

Sir Harold George Nicolson

The great secret of successful marriage is to treat all disasters as incidents and none of the incidents as disasters.


Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

More Quotes

Thomson Financial News - Forbes

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 10:44:00 GMT
Copyright Thomson Reuters 2008. All rights reserved. The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly ...

Feature: Chad Hanger Angles For Third CMT Win - Daily News-Record

Thu, 13 Nov 2008 20:47:00 GMT
The madness is starting to get to Chad Hanger. Hanger of Bridgewater found out Tuesday that he made it to the third round of Country Music Television’s Music City Madness ...

Couple gets to keep pet hens - New Haven Register

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 10:37:00 GMT
NEW HAVEN — Agnes, Beatrice and Daffney’s home on Vista Terrace has been given the official city seal of approval. With a few dozen neighbors rallying to their cause, the pet ...

Is it better than sex? Well, hot tea has a lot going for it … but - Anderson Independent-Mail

Thu, 13 Nov 2008 21:44:00 GMT
The other day I opened a cabinet in my kitchen that hasn’t been visited in months. And there, waiting for me, was a beautiful sight: my boxes of tea. Oh, joy. Tea season is here ...

Correction: Thursday, Nov. 13 - Yale Daily News

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 08:50:00 GMT
The story “Groups tout Trans Awareness Week” mistakenly attributed several quotations from Silliman College Master Judith Krauss to her husband, Associate Master Ronald Krauss ...

Today's Famous Quotations

Check out these Famous Quotations:

Samuel McChord Crothers

A prose writer gets tired of writing prose, and wants to be a poet. So he begins every line with a capital letter, and keeps on writing prose.

Walter F. Ulmer

The essence of a general's job is to assist in developing a clear sense of purpose ... to keep the junk from getting in the way of important things.

Will Rogers, Illiterate Digest (1924), "Helping the Girls with their Income Taxes"

The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has.

Ronald Reagan

My belief has always been ... that wherever in this land any individual's constitutional rights are being unjustly denied, it is the obligation of the federal government-at point of bayonet if necessary-to restore that individual's constitutional rights.

Friedrich Nietzsche

On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.


Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.

Gabrid Garcia Marquez

The heart's memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good and thanks to this artifice we manage to endure the burdens of the past.

More Quotes

Thomson Financial News - Forbes

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 10:44:00 GMT
Copyright Thomson Reuters 2008. All rights reserved. The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly ...

Inflation drops below 9% - Express India

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 03:28:00 GMT
New Delhi, Nov 13 Way before the expectations of analysts, the headline inflation fell by a huge 174 basis points to the single digit level of 8.98% as commodity prices eased in ...

comments on: De La Hoya-Pacquiao: Oscar De La Hoya Media Day Quotes - East Side Boxing

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 06:26:00 GMT
"What is ironic to me is that all three of us lost when Freddie was training us, so you have to wonder if it isn't the trainer himself and he just trained us wrong." the only ...

More math at NHS is a good idea - Newburyport Daily News

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 08:57:00 GMT
On Saturday, Nov. 8, the Daily News published an article headlined, "NHS may stiffen math requirements." The Daily News quotes Math Chair Mark Littlefield, "It's clear we are not ...

XFMedia to Present at the Roth Capital China Comes to Vegas Conference - MSN MoneyCentral

Thu, 13 Nov 2008 10:17:00 GMT
BEIJING , Nov. 13 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- XFMedia XFML , a leading media group in China, today announced that the Company will present at Roth Capital's China Comes to ...

Famous Quotes for Today

Today's Famous Quotes:

Albert Schweitzer

Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.

Cyril Connolly, Enemies of Promise (1938)

Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; journalism what will be read once.


Why learn at all if one day we will die and forget everything

Archbishop William Temple, 1955

It is a mistake to suppose that God is only, or even chiefly, concerned with religion.

More Quotations

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Is it better than sex? Well, hot tea has a lot going for it … but - Anderson Independent-Mail

Thu, 13 Nov 2008 21:44:00 GMT
The other day I opened a cabinet in my kitchen that hasn’t been visited in months. And there, waiting for me, was a beautiful sight: my boxes of tea. Oh, joy. Tea season is here ...

Inflation drops below 9% - Express India

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 03:28:00 GMT
New Delhi, Nov 13 Way before the expectations of analysts, the headline inflation fell by a huge 174 basis points to the single digit level of 8.98% as commodity prices eased in ...

Is it better than sex? Well, hot tea has a lot going for it … but - Anderson Independent-Mail

Thu, 13 Nov 2008 21:44:00 GMT
The other day I opened a cabinet in my kitchen that hasn’t been visited in months. And there, waiting for me, was a beautiful sight: my boxes of tea. Oh, joy. Tea season is here ...