Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Famous Quotations for Today

Today's Famous Quotations:

Steven Wright, I Have a Pony

My girlfriend sleeps in a queen-sized bed and I sleep in a court jester-sized bed.

Pliny the Younger, Letters

His only fault is that he has no fault.

Bertrand Russell

One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.

Fawn M. Brodie

Richard Nixon lied to gain love, to shore up his grandiose fantasies, to bolster his ever-wavering sense of identity. He lied in attack, hoping to win and always he lied, and this most aggressively, to deny that he lied.


It is not doing the things we like to do, But liking the things we have to do That makes life blessed.

Scott Westerfeld, Peeps, 2005

The human heart is a strange vessel. Love and hatred can exist side by side.

Lady Nancy Astor

Real education should educate us out of self into something far finer into a selflessness which links us with all humanity.

Bertrand Russell, Conquest of Happiness (1930) ch. 10

A sense of duty is useful in work, but offensive in personal relations. People wish to be liked, not be endured with patient resignation.

Evelyn Waugh

What is youth except a man or a woman before it is ready or fit to be seen

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Tue, 08 Jan 2008 11:24:00 GMT
Forbes - The content on this site, including news, quotes, data and other information, is provided by AFX News and its third party content providers for your personal information only, and neither AFX News nor its third party content providers shall be liable ...

Inferiors Quotes

Mon, 31 Dec 2007 21:44:00 +0000
To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness. - Benjamin Franklin
A man makes inferiors his superiors by heat; self-control is the rule. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. - J. K. Rowling, Harry ...]


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