Monday, January 21, 2008

Today's Famous Quotes

Check out these Famous Quotes:

Blaise Pascal

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.

M. C. Escher

Originality is merely an illusion.

Henry David Thoreau, "An Essay on Civil Disobedience," 1849.

Voting for the right is doing nothing for it.

Germaine Greer

Security is when everything is settled. When nothing can happen to you. Security is the denial of life.

Hermann Hesse

Knowledge can be communicated, but wisdom cannot. A man can find it, he can live it, he can be filled and sustained by it, but he cannot utter or teach it.


While I see many hoof marks going in, I see none coming out. It is easier to get into the enemy's toils than out again.

Ed Daley

Surfing is good for the soul, worries seems to drift away as you scan the horizon for the next wave.


Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.

Miguel de Cervantes

I think it a very happy accident.

Sigmund Freud

I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash.

The Rock

I never wanted to be the biggest guy. I just wanted to be the best.

More Quotes

Quotes from the 2008 candidates (Boston Globe)

Sun, 20 Jan 2008 04:07:36 GMT
Quotes from the presidential candidates regarding Saturday's contests: DEMOCRATS

Bush Quote: “There’s no doubt in my mind when history was written, the final page will say …”

Thu, 17 Jan 2008 04:55:01 +0000
Courtesy of onegoodmove and “The Daily Show” …
“There’s no doubt in my mind when history was written, the final page will say . . .” - George W. Bush
Check out the link above for the video.

Illegal logging: New fines for Samling in Guyana

Mon, 21 Jan 2008 01:21:00 GMT
Scoop - The newspaper quotes Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud as saying that “several concessionaires were harvesting in blocks that were not approved for harvesting by the GFC.” Both Staebroek News ...

Callidus Software Announces Strategic Agreement With IMS Health SAN ...

Mon, 21 Jan 2008 04:42:00 GMT - This announcement includes forward-looking statements regarding Callidus (including without limitation as described in the quotations from management in this announcement) and reflect management's ...


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