Monday, January 21, 2008

Latest Quotations

Check out these Quotations:

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I imagine, therefore I belong and am free.

Charles Rosin

There's something intrinsically therapeutic about choosing to spend your time in a wide, open park- like setting that non-golfers can never truly understand.

Publilius Syrus

It is more tolerable to be refused than deceived.

Eleanor Roosevelt

If you lose money you lose much,
If you lose friends you lose more,
If you lose faith you lose all.

George Seaton Bowes

The heart that is to be filled to the brim with holy joy must be held still.

Stephen Stills

There are three things men can do with women love them, suffer for them, or turn them into literature.

Sir Arthur Eddington, Space, Time, and Gravitation, 1920

We have found a strange footprint on the shores of the unknown. We have devised profound theories, one after another, to account for its origins. At last, we have succeeded in reconstructing the creature that made the footprint. And lo! It is our own.

C.S. Lewis, Chicken Soup for the Soul (book)

Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.

Theodore Roosevelt

If I must choose between righteousness and peace, I choose righteousness.

Martha Beck

Whoever said love is blind is dead wrong. Love is the only thing that lets us see each other with the remotest accuracy�

Gerald Barzan

Taxation WITH representation ain't so hot either.

More Quotations

Yamada suspected of padding quotes (Japan Today)

Fri, 18 Jan 2008 22:39:50 GMT
TOKYO — Defense equipment trader Yamada Corp is suspected of having padded quotes for U.S.-made materials by 16.8 million yen in three contracts with the then Defense Agency in fiscal 2003 and 2004, Defense Ministry officials said Friday.

Clever Velcro fasteners make windows easy

Sun, 20 Jan 2008 08:54:00 GMT
Hampton Roads Daily Press - The almanac is a compilation of all things garden-related — tips, bits of wisdom, quotations, odd facts, recipes, you name it. It's the kind of book that gives you a smile or an insight whenever you ...

Quotes from the 2008 candidates (AP via Yahoo! News)

Sun, 20 Jan 2008 03:23:33 GMT
Quotes from the presidential candidates regarding Saturday's contests:


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