Latest Quotes
Jose Marti
Man has to suffer. When he has no real afflictions, he invents some.
Saul Bellow
In expressing love we belong among the undeveloped countries.
Eric Hoffer
We find it hard to apply the knowledge of ourselves to our judgment of others. The fact that we are never of one kind, that we never love without reservations and never hate with all our being cannot prevent us from seeing others as wholly black or white.
Thomas John Watson, Sr.
Recently, I was asked if I was going to fire an employee who made a mistake that cost the company 600,000. No, I replied, I just spent 600,000 training him. Why would I want somebody to hire his experience
Russell Baker
Is fuel efficiency really what we need most desperatelly? I say that what we really need is a car that can be shot when it breaks down.
George Eliot
Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
F Scott
Family quarrels are bitter things. They don't go according to any rules. They're not like aches or wounds, they're more like splits in the skin that won't heal because there's not enough material.
Anatole France
To imagine is everything, to know is nothing at all.
It is easy to go down into Hell night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
Crow, The
T-Bird You know, Lake Eerie actually caught on fire once from all the crap floating around in it. I wish I could've seen that.
Ann Frank, Diary of Ann Frank
I want to go on living even after my death,
And therefore I am grateful to God
For giving this gift�
Of expressing all that is in me.
Benjamin Franklin
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.
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Quotes | The voters speak
Wed, 09 Jan 2008 16:38:00 GMT - "The more I think about it, I was probably a little bit prejudiced at times. But when I see a black man who's risen up, it would put a good face on America for the whole world (to elect him president ...
Quotes about Architecture
Tue, 08 Jan 2008 21:02:00 +0000
All architecture is great architecture after sunset perhaps architecture is really a nocturnal art, like the art of fireworks. - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
In short, the building becomes a theatrical demonstration of its functional ideal. In this romanticism, High-Tech architecture is, of course, no different in spirit-if totally different in form-from all the romantic architecture of ...]
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