Thursday, October 09, 2008

Latest greatest Quotations

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Richard Milhous Nixon

Who are you going to shoot joking with Attorney General Richard Kleindienst about creating an opening on the Supreme court

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful and has nobody to thank.

Arnold Glasgow

One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.


Not only are you anal, but you are anal about things most people have never even heard of.

Alain de Lille

Do not hold as gold all that shines as gold.

Robert Browning

Ignorance is not innocence but sin.


If a rich man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it.

Jane Austen

One cannot fix one's eyes on the commonest natural production without finding food for a rambling fancy.

Roger Babson

Let him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present.

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Grain quotes, High Plains & Gulf - Houston Chronicle

Thu, 09 Oct 2008 20:17:00 GMT
— Texas High Plains cash grain markets closed 18 cents to 20 cents higher on grain sorghum, unchanged on wheat, 16 cents higher on soybeans and mostly 10 cents to 11 cents higher ...

river quotes following Corsica shakedown - Rally-Live

Thu, 09 Oct 2008 15:23:00 GMT
O nly days after the Spanish round of the World Rally Championship, the contenders reunite again in Corsica to contest the Rallye de France-Tour de Corse, the famous "rally of 10 ...


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