Saturday, April 05, 2008

More Quotations

Straight to the Quotations ...

Will Rogers

Our Constitution protects aliens, drunks, and U.S. senators.

Frances Watkins Harper

Apparent failure may hold in its rough shell the germs of a success that will blossom in time, and bear fruit throughout eternity.

Elliot Wayne Eisner

We have inadvertently designed a system in which being good at what you do as a teacher is not formally rewarded, while being poor at what you do is seldom corrected nor penalized.

Adlai Stevenson

She would rather light candles than curse the darkness and her glow has warmed the world.

Horace Mann

Resolve to edge in a little reading every day, if it is but a single sentence. If you gain fifteen minutes a day, it will make itself felt at the end of the year.

Barbara Hall

Because you are in control of your life. Don't ever forget that. You are what you are because of the conscious and subconscious choices you have made.


Goodness does not consist in greatness, but greatness in goodness.

More Quotes

International stock market quotations (

Fri, 04 Apr 2008 17:31:00 GMT
Frankfurt - The following index quotations were noted on the world's major stock markets ...

Google Changes Behavior For Showing Results Queried in Quotations (Search Engine Roundtable)

Fri, 04 Apr 2008 12:08:51 GMT
Google has changed how they handle displaying search results for when you use quotes in the search box and when there are not many or any matches. For example, a search on "super running for life" at Google would normally return no results, since there are no matching documents for that phrase as a phrase. But now Google shows a link for "See results for: super running for life," without ...

Town hall quotes below estimates (Enterprise Mountaineer)

Fri, 04 Apr 2008 14:22:38 GMT
The quotes are in and the numbers look good. The low bids for the construction of a new town administrative building and police station for Waynesville came in at $ 3,576,473.


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