Friday, April 04, 2008

Quotes Update

Here are the Quotes ...


An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.

Robert Hall

The innocence of the intention abates nothing of the mischief of the example.

Marie Curie

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

Johann von Goethe

There is a courtesy of the heart it is allied to love. From it springs the purest courtesy in the outward behavior.

Samuel Johnson

We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know because they have never deceived us.

Author Unknown

If wisdom were on sale in the open market, the stupid would not even ask the price.


A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.

This Is Spinal Tap

Marty This tasteless cover is a good indication of the lack of musical invention within. The musical growth of this band cannot even be charted. They are treading water in a sea of retarded sexuality and bad poetry.

J. R. Platt

It's just as sure a recipe for failure to have the right idea fifty years too soon as five years too late.

Edward Wallis Hoch

There is so much good in the worst of us, And so much bad in the best of us, That it hardly behooves any of us To talk about the rest of us.


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