Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Today's Quotes

Check out these Quotes:

Rodan of Alexandria

Never continue in a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined.

Oscar Wilde

I can resist anything but temptation.

Aristophanes, Wasps, 422 B.C.

This is what extremely grieves us, that a man who never fought
Should contrive our fees to pilfer, on who for his native land
Never to this day had oar, or lance, or blister in his hand.


Learn to obey before you command.

Stuart Stevens

Pride is a powerful narcotic, but it doesn't do much for the auto-immune system.

Jerry Coleman

Gaylord Perry and Willie McCovey should know each other like a book. They've been ex-teammates for years now.

Thomas Paine

What we obtain too cheap we esteem too little it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

John A. Shedd

A ship in harbor is safe -- but that is not what ships are for.

Andrew Schneider

Life here is so elemental. So real. Without the interference of civilization you can really experience things like,...silence. Silence and darkness in its purity. Right now, right outside my window all I can see is a black void. Endless darkness. It's totally exhilarating, and I feel very lucky to be here. Very, very lucky.

Henry Ward Beecher

Our sweetest experiences of affection are meant to point us to that realm which is the real and endless home of the heart.

More Quotes

Quotations of the day

Mon, 03 Mar 2008 08:24:00 GMT
International Herald Tribune - "This could be the start of a war in South America." — Venezuela President Hugo Chavez, who ordered tanks and thousands of troops to the border with Colombia. "This victory will ...

Adam Begley

Mon, 03 Mar 2008 21:17:00 GMT
New York Observer - A book marked by naked Oedipal conflict, a book stuffed with quotations from great writers, ought to have Stein’s beauty stashed somewhere between the covers, and though I waited ...


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