Thursday, March 13, 2008

More Quotes

Straight to the Quotes ...

Publilius Syrus

An angry man is again angry with himself when he returns to reason.

Jack Handey Deep Thoughts

It's funny that pirates were always going around searching for treasure, and they never realized that the real treasure was the fond memories they were creating.

Oscar Wilde

Conscience and cowardice are really the same thing. Conscience is the trade-name of the firm.

E. W. Dijkstra

The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim.

Irving Layton

Brains, you know, are suspect in the Republican Party.

Terry Pratchet, (on the big bang theory)

In the begining there was nothing, and it exploded.

William James

He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed.

Hugh Elliott

Miracles You do not have to look for them. They are there, 24 7, beaming like radio waves all around you. Put up the antenna, turn up the volume - snap... crackle... this just in, every person you talk to is a chance to change the world...

Thomas Carlyle

Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure that there is one rascal less in the world.

Max Lucado

Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.

Simon Cameron

An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.

Mark Twain, "Is Shakespeare Dead?"

I cannot call to mind a single instance where I have ever been irreverent, except toward the things which were sacred to other people.

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Tue, 11 Mar 2008 17:19:00 GMT
Rushville Republican - These are all found in The International Thesaurus of Quotations compiled by Rhoda Thomas Tripp. Let me know if you have a favorite. “Some books are to be tasted, others to be ...

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Wed, 12 Mar 2008 03:27:00 GMT
Carroll County Times - The preponderance of religious imagery and Bible quotations makes the book seem particularly aimed toward a Christian market. But Shook said "One Month to Live" is not solely for ...


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