Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Daily Quotations

Here are the Quotations ...

E. M. Cioran

Does our ferocity not derive from the fact that our instincts are all too interested in other people If we attended more to ourselves and became the center, the object of our murderous inclinations, the sum of our intolerances would diminish.

Jillian Graham, Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul

Never let a stain from the past put a mark on your future.


Some people weave burlap into the fabric of our lives, and some weave gold thread. Both contribute to make the whole picture beautiful and unique.

Danish proverb

If you would be pope, you must think of nothing else.


The sweetest of all sounds is praise.

Gore Vidal

It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail.

More Quotations Launches Free Real-time Stock Quotes on Canadian and U.S. Markets (Centre Daily Times)

Mon, 10 Mar 2008 14:01:37 GMT
Vantage Communications Ltd. announces the launch of, the first website in the world to offer free real-time stock quotes on both the Canadian and U.S. stock markets.

Quotations of the day (Charleston Daily Mail)

Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:38:57 GMT
"I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family and violates my -- or any -- sense of right and wrong.'' -- New York Gov. Elliot Spitzer apologizing to his family and the people of New York amid a prostitution scandal in which he is accused of hiring a call girl.

Quotations of the day

Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:38:00 GMT
International Herald Tribune - "I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family and violates my — or any — sense of right and wrong." — New York Gov. Elliot Spitzer apologizing to his ...

Stock & fund quotes

Wed, 12 Mar 2008 05:50:00 GMT
ninemsn - Local shares attempted to hang onto gains made in morning trade and largely succeeded. Sentiment was high after the US Federal Reserve decided to boost investment bank coffers to ...


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