Sunday, March 09, 2008

Latest Quotations

Check out these Quotations:

Anson Dorrance, Go for the Goal by Mia Hamm

The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching.

Havelock Ellis

Jealousy: that Dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive.

H. L. Mencken

Man is never honestly the fatalist, nor even the stoic. He fights his fate, often desperately. He is forever entering bold exceptions to the rulings of the bench of gods. This fighting, no doubt, makes for human progress, for it favors the strong and the brave. It also makes for beauty, for lesser men try to escape from a hopeless and intolerable world by creating a more lovely one of their own.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

�Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers, and things are not what they seem.
Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art; to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul.�

Winston Churchill, Speech about World War II

Never in the course of history, have so many owed so much to so few.

John Phillips Marquand

It is worthwhile for anyone to have behind him a few generations of honest, hard-working ancestry.

Jean Cocteau

Art is science made clear.

Richard Feynman

Nature has a great simplicity and therefore a great beauty.

Jeseph Joubert

We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future.

Mitchell Caplan, CEO, E*Trade Group Inc.

To succeed as a team is to hold all of the members accountable for their expertise.

TLC, Waterfalls

Don�t go chasin� waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you�re used to.

Bertrand Russell

Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim.

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p0220 BC-Quotes 03-08 0179 (Hays Daily News)

Sat, 08 Mar 2008 10:47:39 GMT
"With the commitment to never again attack a brother country and the request for forgiveness, we can consider this grave incident as over."

Stock & fund quotes

Sat, 08 Mar 2008 12:57:00 GMT
ninemsn - Day traders should never be confused with day trippers … while most days they may have a one-way ticket, it might not always be a winning one. So what is a day trader and what ...


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