Saturday, January 12, 2008

More Famous Quotes

Check out these Famous Quotes:

Robert Byrne

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

John Andrew Holmes

The universe is not hostile, nor yet is it unfriendly. It is simply indifferent.

Jeseph Joubert

Children need models more than they need critics.

Francis Bacon

If we begin with certainties, we shall end in doubts but if we begin with doubts, and we are patient in them, we shall end in certainties.

Christopher Paolini, Author of Eragon and Eldest. Quote from Eragon

Find peace in where and what you are.

Benjamin Franklin

Rules too soft are seldomly followed; rules too harsh are seldomly executed.

More Quotes

Quotations of the day

Thu, 10 Jan 2008 12:19:00 GMT
Charleston Gazette - "I am confident that with proper help, the state of Palestine will emerge. And I'm confident when it emerges, it will be a major step toward peace. I am confident that the status quo is unacceptable ...

Hillary tributes flood world's media

Fri, 11 Jan 2008 01:48:00 GMT
New Zealand Herald - One Australian News site quotes acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard describing Sir Edmund as a "giant of New Zealand", acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard said today.


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