Sunday, January 27, 2008

Great Famous Quotations

Straight to the Famous Quotations ...

Agnes Repplier

It is in his pleasure that a man really lives it is from his leisure that he constructs the true fabric of self.

Denis Diderot

There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge. . . observation of nature, reflection, and experimentation. Observation collects facts; reflection combines them; experimentation verifies the result of that combination.


Accident, n. A condition in which presence of mind is good, but absence of body is better.

Henry G. Strauss

I have every sympathy with the American who was so horrified by what he had read about the effects of smoking that he gave up reading.

Bobby Sanghavi

I am not an optimist, but i am not a pessimist, what I am is a realist.

George Santayana

The need of exercise is a modern superstition, invented by people who ate too much and had nothing to think about.

More Quotations

Quips and quotes (Eagle-Tribune Online)

Sat, 26 Jan 2008 14:59:54 GMT
"That is our agenda - schools, jobs and civic engagement. That's what will make the American story real again in this commonwealth." Gov. Deval Patrick in his State of the State speech Thursday night.

Bush Quote: “There’s no doubt in my mind when history was written, the final page will say …”

Thu, 17 Jan 2008 04:55:01 +0000
Courtesy of onegoodmove and “The Daily Show” …
“There’s no doubt in my mind when history was written, the final page will say . . .” - George W. Bush
Check out the link above for the video.

Northern Rock report: Key quotes (BBC News)

Sat, 26 Jan 2008 00:25:36 GMT
Some of the key comments following the Treasury Committee's report into Northern Rock's collapse.

Fine silver quotations Friday: $17.05 ounce (Canadian Business)

Fri, 25 Jan 2008 17:50:39 GMT
The Canadian Press January 25, 2008 - 12:42 a.m. TORONTO - Handy and Harman fine silver quotations in Canadian dollars: Friday $17.05 oz., $548.16 kg.; Thursday $17.123 oz., $550.50 kg.


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