Friday, October 17, 2008

Famous Quotes Update

Give me Famous Quotes now!

Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good.


Your philosophy determines whether you will go for the diciplines or continue the errors.

Ernest Hemingway

Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war.

John Andrew Holmes

Yes, we love peace, but we are not willing to take wounds for it, as we are for war.

Persian Mystic Poem

Split the atom's heart, and low Within it thou wilt find a sun.

Author Unknown

Age withers only the outside.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

When you are in any contest you should work as if there were - to the very last minute - a chance to lose it.

More Quotes

Analyst fired for saying greed is bad - Yahoo News

Fri, 17 Oct 2008 13:41:00 GMT
SEOUL (Reuters) – A South Korean financial researcher was fired for telling a TV talk show that people made unwise investment decisions because they were too greedy, his company ...

Quotes Of The Week - October 17 -

Fri, 17 Oct 2008 13:55:00 GMT
In this week's top celebrity quotes, Madonna slams ex Guy Ritchie from a stage in Boston, Angelina Jolie confirms that she and Brad plan to adopt another child, and Tom Cruise's ...

Analyst fired for saying greed is bad - Yahoo News

Fri, 17 Oct 2008 13:41:00 GMT
SEOUL (Reuters) – A South Korean financial researcher was fired for telling a TV talk show that people made unwise investment decisions because they were too greedy, his company ...

Real-life teachers right at home in Alan Bennett's comedy/drama about ... - New Orleans Times-Picayune Blogs

Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:43:00 GMT
Alan Bennett's playwriting life is bracketed (thus far) by two school plays. The first was "Forty Years On" in 1968, involving an end-of-term play put on by teenage boys at a run ...


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