Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Great Quotes

Straight to the Quotes ...

Leroy Robert Satchel Paige

Never let the odds keep you from pursuing What you know in your heart you were meant to do.

Marquis de Condorcet

Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.

Millard Fuller, founder and president, Habitat for Humanity International

Everyone who gets sleepy at night should have a simple decent place to lay their heads, on terms they can afford to pay.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub.


Money There's nothing in the world so demoralizing as money.

John Simon

Democracy encourages the majority to decide things about which the majority is ignorant.

More Quotations

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Strauss-Kahn savoure son retour aux affaires - Libération

Sat, 15 Mar 2008 00:46:00 GMT
Par CHRISTIAN LOSSON L’ex-candidat retoqué des primaires PS à la présidentielle goûte l’instant avec d’autant plus de jubilation que le terrain de ...

Graphique Historique Graphique Intraday - Boursorama

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 10:31:00 GMT
Comparaison Aucune Indice CAC 40 Nouveau Marché SBF120 Nasdaq Comp Dow Jones S&P500 Eurostoxx50 FTSE 100 DAX30 MIBTEL AEX 25 BEL 20 SMI Recherche du code Code FRANCE ETATS-UNIS ...


Thu, 22 May 2008 00:30:00 GMT
Pour effectuer le versement en ligne des impôts de registre et de timbre, il faut s'habiliter au service "Fisconline" ou "Entratel" et avoir un compte courant auprès d'une banque ...


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