Monday, February 04, 2008

Great Famous Quotations

Check out these Famous Quotations:

Robin Green

Spring has sprung. We're free at last, people. Free at last. Thank you mother nature, we're free. Time to toss open that metaphysical window and check out that psychic landscape. See lots of possibilities budding out there. Time to hoe those rows, feed that seed. Pretty soon you get a garden.

George Eliot

If we had a keen vision of all that is ordinary in human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow or the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of that roar which is the other side of silence.

James R. Lowell

Toward no crime have men shown themselves so cold-bloodedly cruel as in punishing differences of belief.


Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms.

Ukranian Proverb

The church is near, but the way is icy, The tavern is far, but I will walk carefully.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Ful wys is he that can himselven knowe (Very wise is he that can know himself.)

Henrik Ibsen

A community is like a ship, everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm.

Albert Einstein

My religion consists of a humble admiration of the unlimitable superior who reveals Himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Every time an artist dies, part of the vision of mankind passes with him.

Thomas Fuller

A gift, with a kind countenance, is a double present.

Bertrand Russell

Education, which was at first made universal in order that all might be able to read and write, has been found capable of serving quite other purposes. By instilling nonsense it unifies populations and generates collective enthusiasm.

Albert Einstein

Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are not even capable of forming such opinions.

More Quotations

No need to cry, our scientists know their onions

Thu, 31 Jan 2008 23:57:00 GMT
New Zealand Herald - The magazine quotes Dr Michael Havey, professor of horticulture at the University of Wisconsin and a leading light in onion science, predicting that tearless onions will become a mainstay in household ...

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Sun, 03 Feb 2008 21:59:00 GMT
Daily Times - The magazine quotes National Directorate of Security (NDS) spokesman Saeed Ansari as denying the charges that the directorate has ever taken payment for releasing prisoners.

The Observer Exclusive: Hugo Chavez is President of Venezuela

Sun, 03 Feb 2008 23:46:00 GMT - The rest of Carlin’s piece consists almost entirely of allegations plucked from thin air and quotations from Colombian government patsies or from unidentified “high-level security, intelligence ...

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Sun, 03 Feb 2008 21:18:02 GMT
The controversy over acceptance of Parsis from mixed marriages into the Zoroastrian fold blew up as orthodox sections of the community disrupted a talk by Kersey Antia.

Quotes from and about 2008 Pro Football Hall of Famers (KVOA Tucson)

Sun, 03 Feb 2008 00:48:26 GMT
PHOENIX -- Quotes from and about the class of 2008 for the Pro Football Hall of Fame, which was selected on Saturday: "The 1983 first-round class _ I made it.


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