Sunday, February 10, 2008

Famous Quotes Update

Today's Famous Quotes:

Fortran manual for Xerox Computers

The primary purpose of the Data statement is to give names to constants; instead of referring to pi as 3.141592653589793 at every appearance, the variable Pi can be given that value with a Data statement and used instead of the longer form of the constant. This also simplifies modifying the program, should the value of pi change.

Jason Mraz

In case you never noticed, the path you never chose has chosen you.

George Washington

There is nothing that gives a man consequence, and renders him fit for command, like a support that renders him independent of everybody but the State he serves.

Publilius Syrus

He who lives in solitude may make his own laws.

David Starr Jordan

Wisdom is know what to do next virtue is doing it.

More Quotations

Europeans Are From Venus

Sat, 09 Feb 2008 16:15:00 GMT
New York Times - ... and when a Bulgarian general said in 1910 that “we have become the most militaristic state in the world” it wasn’t a lament but a boast (not to say one of the many fascinating quotations with ...

G-7 finance chiefs in Japan

Sat, 09 Feb 2008 19:00:00 GMT
KUTV - France's minister quotes U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson as expressing concern about the state of the U.S. economy and property market but says he did not use the word "recession.

They said it: Sporting quotes of the week - February 8

Fri, 08 Feb 2008 22:14:00 GMT
Daily Mail - "I won't get bitter and twisted because I am old enough and I have got enough respect for the manager to realise that if it does not happen, life goes on" "The bottom line is that Steven Gerrard doesn ...

Fine silver quotations Tuesday: $17.145 ounce (Canadian Business)

Tue, 05 Feb 2008 17:36:09 GMT
The Canadian Press February 5, 2008 - 12:34 a.m. TORONTO - Handy and Harman fine silver quotations in Canadian dollars: Tuesday $17.145 oz., $551.21 kg.; Monday $17.171 oz., $562.05 kg.


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