Friday, January 25, 2008

Daily Quotations

Give me Quotations now!

Amos Bronson Alcott, Table Talk

That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.

Persian Proverb

The blind man is laughing at the bald head.

B. J. Gupta

Any activity that adversely affects society is immoral.

Taylor Benson

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

Callous, adj. Gifted with great fortitude to bear the evils afflicting another.

More Quotes

Bush, House reach deal on economic stimulus package (USA Today)

Thu, 24 Jan 2008 18:54:00 GMT
Original posting at 9:45 a.m. ET: The Associated Press is describing the broad outlines of a compromise between the White House and congressional on plans to stimulate the nation's economy. The wire service quotes an anonymous source who says just...

Fine silver quotations Wednesday: $17.081 ounce (Canadian Business)

Wed, 23 Jan 2008 17:47:36 GMT
The Canadian Press January 23, 2008 - 12:31 a.m. TORONTO - Handy and Harman fine silver quotations in Canadian dollars: Wednesday $17.081 oz., $549.15 kg.; Tuesday $17.184 oz., $552.47 kg.


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